Trash On Trucks does not offer free bulk item pickup during the designated weeks set forth by the city.
We will continue to offer bulk item removal year round, as long as you call ahead and prepay. Call for pricing.
The purpose of this change is to drastically reduce what is getting thrown into landfills and push for a more sustainable mindset. We urge you to consider Facebook Marketplace or other online options to remove these items and give them new homes. Change has to start somewhere.
There is a heavy price tag associated with these “free weeks” and if we continue to participate, we will have to increase our service fees. And I think we’ve all had enough of that.
Trash On Trucks will not be collecting free yard waste this year.
We're making this decision because it's incredibly expensive, not only in manpower but in admin, and it takes our eye off the ball.
(the ball = making sure the garbage gets picked up).
-Eau Claire Brush Site on Jeffers Road-
The Green Waste Facility on Jeffers Road provides an environmentally friendly solution for City of Eau Claire residents to dispose of brush, grass clippings, and leaves. You can pay as you go, or if you are a resident in the city, you can purchase an unlimited leaf/brush use pass for the season.


Now, this is a story all about how
Our lives got flipped-turned upside down
And we'd like to take a minute
Just sit right there
We'll tell you how we became the haulers of a town called Eau Claire.
Once upon a time, we were a few small-town friends who worked at the locally owned garbage company in Eau Claire, with all kinds of other cool and smart people. We all loved our jobs and worked hard. We mastered the trash and we did it well. We had, and still have, so much to be proud of there. It. Was. Legendary.
In 2021, that hauler was purchased by a global corporate conglomerate waste hauling company. It didn’t take long to realize that we didn’t fit into the corporate box.
So in 2022, we jumped out of it.
We had a new mission, and never wanted to be in that position again. We decided to start our own company. Something we could stand for and build from scratch and be proud of, and when we started to see and hear what was happening to the local trash service, we knew how to fix it. You needed us back.
(we needed you, too!)
So we did what we do best and got to work.
If you’ll let us, we’ll come and pick your garbage and recycling in our cool new trucks, in exchange for money. We won’t charge you corporate fees and we won’t make you sign a contract.
We are so proud to introduce the Chippewa Valley to Trash On Trucks. You can call us TOTS.

For any inquiries, questions or comments, please call: 715-514-2261 or fill out the following form: